IGL TF26vs6 Information
Champion: None
No schedules up for season 0 |
Roster/ID Status
Roster locking is disabled for TF26vs6
New Configs and Rule Changes
      We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but due to some problems with Sunday’s matches in 8v8, we have found it necessary to make some changes. The old config as it was caused a problem in the scoring, that has now been change to correct the problems. So please be sure to have this config uploaded to your server before Wed. matches.
Rule Changes: Again with previous problems we have changed the rules once again and hopefully it won't be changed again for a while. We have decided to make it as simple as possible for clans and the IGL Staff and have only 2 configs, one for each style of maps. So be sure to read the changes, because the scoring has now been changed. We hope this simplifies and will make it much easier on all concerned. If you have questions or problems please let us know.
Lastly, once again, I will warn all clans, they MUST USE Match Com and idle the IGL IRC Channel at least 2hrs before the match. From this point on, if Match Com is not utilized as stated in the rules, leaders will be suspended. It is very simple to use and it will make things easier for all clans. Please do not force us to suspend anyone, but we will if we have too.
Rule Changes
      I have added a couple of new Rules that will hopefully aid better competition and fair play for both sides. Please check out the following.
6.2 -- CTF Map rules
6.3 -- Class Restrictions
6.4 -- Map Exploits
CTF Maps
      After some discussion and researching we are now allowing Yard Defense and OvO.
Preseason Week 2 Schedule is up
      Due to the absence of 45 for a few days, I will be taking his spot until he gets back. I have set the schedule for next weeks matches. Even though this is pre-season please play your matches as scheduled. We had 2 matches that did not post scores.
Also, for those teams who have joined, please get your rosters up as soon as possible so that you can be put on the schedule. If you have the required number of players please contact me in our irc channel #igl-tf2. If you have any questions please contact me there, I will do my best to help in anyway I can.
Preseason Week 1
      The schedule is set. Download the server cfg from the files section dated 11/19/07. Teams are to contact there opponent via matchcomm to setup the match info. During preseason the roster lock will be unlocked.
We still have teams with 4 to 5 members that need to get there roster to 6 before I can activate them. Any other teams that would like to join IGL need to do so ASAP.