IGL TF26vs6 Information
Champion: None
No schedules up for season 0 |
Roster/ID Status
Roster locking is disabled for TF26vs6
IGL needs your help
      With CAL starting the first part of March a 6v6 and 8v8 TF2 Division we seem to have lost some teams. All I here about is CEVO and CAL lately for the reason for leaving. STA hasn't even been talked about in a month. It would be a shame for one of the oldest leagues around (IGL) to have to suspend matches because people think CEVO and CAL are the only leagues that matter, which i'm being told by some of the team members. Remember, that leagues like this one and few others started competitive league play over 10 years ago and if it wasn't for us it may have never developed into what it is today.
I'm asking the remaining teams for your help, to go out and recruit at least 2 teams each so that we don't have to suspend matches because of lack of teams. Your help would be greatly appreciate by us at IGL.
Help keep one of the oldest leagues in gaming, alive.
Matches Suspended
      For the moment, all matches for the IGL TF2 6v6 division will be suspended until teams decide what they are going to do. Only 3 teams seem to be active at the moment. Easy Company, RapidFire Gaming and Shogun. All other teams were put inactive. When 8 teams minimum express an interest to play, and only then, will this division continue with the matches.
Week 1
      The schedule for week 1 is up. The map will be cp_Gravelpit.
Make sure you have the newest server cfg dated 12/13/07 loaded on your server and Matchcomm MUST be used to schedule your matches with your opponent. DO NOT use mIRC or anything else to setup your matches.
GL and have fun.
      The IGL will be off now for the holidays. Matches for the new season will resume January 9, 2008. Now is the time for new clans to join and get there rosters ready before the new season starts.
The crew from IGL wishes everybody a safe Holiday Season
Preseason Week 4
      With christmas coming up I was going to have the 6v6 off till January. Some clans expressed that they would like to play on December 19th.
Also with a revamp of the rules amd making new map specific server cfgs dated 12/13/07 it was decided to go ahead with a preseason week 4 to test the cfgs out.
If clans know they can't make the scheduled matches let me know in irc and I will try to put the other team with another clan to play if possible.
Be sure to read the new rules, download the new server cfgs, and use matchcomm to schedule your match.