IGL TF26vs6 Information
Champion: None
No schedules up for season 0 |
Roster/ID Status
Roster locking is disabled for TF26vs6
Get rosters ready
      I'm waiting for Sunday to do the schedule. We have 4 teams on the waiting list that just about have 6 on there roster. It would be nice to start the preseason with more teams activated.
Preseason Set
      We will be running the TF2-6v6 on Wednesdays at 9:00 pm and as you can see we have the preseason maps and schedule up. I would like to get more clans signed up before we start this so please put the word out.
need 4 more teams
      I need 4 more teams with 6 on the roster to signup for IGL TF26v6 for a total of 8 teams to start the preseason. Any teams wanting to play 6v6 need to get this done ASAP. Teams that are ready to go, if you know of any other teams interested in doing 6v6 get them to signup ASAP.
Get roster to 6
      We need the teams that are still on the waiting list to get your rosters up to 6 so we can activate your team. We need to schedule the matches by Wednesday night if we are going to start this Monday, so get your rosters done asap.
      Clans that have signed up and are on the waiting list need to get your rosters up to 6 so your team can be activated. When you get 6 members on your team, make sure you go to 'Manage Clan' link after you login and put an 'A' or 'L' or 'S' beside that members name depending on what they are so they are activated to play in matches.
Teams that have done so are now active to play when the season starts shortly.