IGL TF29vs9 Information
Champion: None
No schedules up for season 0 |
Roster/ID Status
Roster locking is disabled for TF29vs9
New TF2 8v8 Division
      Clans are now welcome to sign up for TF2 8v8 Division. We should be starting November 18, 2007.
Format: 8 v 8
Match Day: Sunday
Time: 9pm EST
Maps: ctf_2fort, cp_dustbowl, cp_granary, cp_gravelpit, cp_well and custom maps
Matchcomm will be used by all teams.
More info will follow in the coming week. We will be doing a couple of weeks of pre-season to work out the kinks.
If you have any positive feedback to share come to our IRC at #IGL-TF2 and pm me or go to the Forums and leave your feedback there. The rules should be up shortly.
STALKER will be heading up the TF2 8v8 Division. We need a few more admins and AC admins to help out. Interested People can apply by clicking the Admin. Application link in the left menu.