IGL TF28vs8 Information
Champion: None
No schedules up for season 0 |
Roster/ID Status
Rosters are unlocked.
Rosters will lock in:
3 days, 12 hours, 2 minutes
Preseason Week 2
      Matches are set for this Sunday. It is preseason so rosters will NOT be locked. Any team that joins and gets 8 on their roster by Friday night, I will set their match up also. Remember that the use of MATCHCOMM to contact the other team for match setup is required.
The NEW and required IGL server cfg is in the file section. Only 2 server cfgs will be used from now on. They are no longer map specific.
Remember, the 3 preseason matches don't count towards your record. When preseason ends all preseason matches will be deleted to make room for the season to start.
There is still time for teams to join the IGL TF28v8 league. So please do so ASAP. The more teams, the more fun.
Pre-season #1
      Well we made it past pre-season 1 but not without the bugs as many of you know the server config was missing a command.
Server configs have been updated and can be found in the files section of the site, Also the rules have been updated so please read over them. Leaders please use the IGL forums If you find something that we have missed.
Preseason Week 1 Begins
      Matches are set for this Sunday. It is preseason so rosters will NOT be locked. Any team that joins and gets 8 on their roster by Friday night, I will set their match up also. The required IGL server cfg is in the file section. Remember that the use of MATCHCOMM to contact the other team for match setup is required.
I have 2 team leaders that expressed concerns about them still being in the TGL Tourney. I have put those 2 teams (wrecked and 2sM) together this week for a match. They or any other team in conflict will have until Wednesday night to get their match completed.
Remember, the 3 preseason matches don't count towards your record. When preseason ends all preseason matches will be deleted to make room for the season to start.
There is still time for teams to join the IGL TF28v8 league. So please do so ASAP. The more teams, the more fun.
Get your rosters to 8
      We need the teams that are still on the waiting list to get your rosters up to 8 so we can activate your team. We need to schedule the matches by Wednesday night if we are going to start this Sunday, so get your rosters done asap.
      Clans that have signed up and are on the waiting list need to get your rosters up to 8 so your team can be activated. When you get 8 members on your team, make sure you go to 'Manage Clan' link after you login and put an 'A' or 'L' or 'S' beside that members name depending on what they are so they are activated to play in matches.
Teams that have done so are now active to play when the season starts on November 18, 2007.