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IGL TF28vs8 Information
Champion: None

No schedules up for season 0

Roster/ID Status
Rosters are unlocked.
Rosters will lock in:
3 days, 19 hours, 9 minutes
Server Reservation
Map List
Date Wk Map
- - - - -

Preseaon not over yet

      With the rewriting of the rules and completely overhauling the server cfgs, it was decided by me to have this match Sunday classified as a preseason match. This way it will give teams a chance to read the new rules and play on the new cfgs I just finished tonight dated 12/13/07 with the help of some very concerned and helpful clan members in IGL. It also gives new clans a chance to join the IGL that didn't because of the way the rules were written.

We at IGL are committed to making the IGL a powerhouse League that it once was in TF.

Please accept my apology for the disruption.

The new season week 1 will start January 6, 2008.

Be sure to read the new rules, download the new server cfgs, and use matchcomm to schedule your match.

Restart of Season,New Configs and Rule Changes

      Ok after long discussions about the problems that arose on Sundays matches, we have decided to restart the season with the same schedule and map as last Sunday. Reason being, after looking into things we found that the League config everyone had upload was incorrect and cause a huge problem. So to correct things and hopefully making it fair to all involved, we will restart the season again.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but due to some problems with Sunday's matches in 8v8, we have found it necessary to make some changes. The config has now been change to correct the scoring problems. So please be sure to have this new config uploaded to your server before Next Sunday matches.

Rule Changes: Again with previous problems we have changed the rules once again and hopefully it won't be changed again for a while. We have decided to make it as simple as possible for clans and the IGL Staff and have only 2 configs, one for each style of maps. So be sure to read the changes, because the scoring has now been changed. We hope this simplifies and will make it much easier on all concerned. If you have questions or problems please let us know.

Lastly, once again, I will warn all clans, they MUST USE Match Com and idle the IGL IRC Channel at least 2hrs before the match. From this point on, if Match Com is not utilized as stated in the rules, leaders will be suspended. It is very simple to use and it will make things easier for all clans. Please do not force us to suspend anyone, but we will if we have too.

Retraction on Class Restrictions

      Due to some feed back from clan leaders, we have decided to have no Class Restriction in 8v8. We also decided on small maps only like 2fort, there will be a max defense of 5 defenders, No Yard Defense and NO OvO. Please see the changes in the rules.

New Rule Changes

      I have added a couple of new Rules that will hopefully aid better competition and fair play for both sides. Please check out the following.
6.2 -- CTF Map rules
6.3 -- Class Restrictions
6.4 -- Map Exploits

CTF Maps Only

      After some discussion and researching, we have decided to allow Yard Defense and OvO.

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