IGL DoDS3vs3 Information
Champion: Storm Troopers
No schedules up for season 3 |
Roster/ID Status
Roster locking is disabled for DoDS3vs3
Fate of DoD:S 3v3
      For the last 3 weeks there hasn't been any matches played there were scheduled. Therefore due to the lack of interest, I am now forced to suspend all matches. I would like to thank all the teams that particpated in the IGL 3v3 League and have always appreciated your dedication and sportsmenship. Hopefully in the future, the League can be started again.
Week 3 Schedules
      Well, I hope this is a sign of things to come, no matches were play this week. So, let's see what happens in Week 3. If we lose one more clan, I may be forced to suspend matches until more teams join. I really don't want to this but may have too.
Week 2
      Ok, well it looks like Week 1 didn't go so well. I had to delete 2 matches and one team ff'ed. So let see how Week 2 will go. This isn't preseason matches either guys so lets get the matches played. I have added a new team to the schedule so lets welcome team Fake.
A New Season has Began
      A new season and a new beginning. This time around we will have a 10 week season instead of a 8 week sesason. Im taking out the preseasons because no one plays them anyway, and it is just a waste of time. So, to be eligible for the playoffs you must play 60% of the matches(6 matches played)during the season. Also, you will need to upload the new config which has been changed.
As you know, we ran the MATCH COM a short time last season and it is now in full swing and working 100%. So, if you do not use it as stated in the rules, you will forfeit a match. You are also responsible for getting your own make up match if you have a ff win with another team who has a ff win. You must idle the IGL channel 2hrs before the match to contact the other team if any changes and to set up a make up matches.
Good luck to all the teams this season. Lets also welcome a new team NS Nomadic soldiers. Have fun and keep it clean.
Champions Crowned
      Another Champions Crowned, congrats go out to StormTroopers for their win. Congrats go out to Maddeerman Clans for coming in 2nd and fighting a tough battle. I would also like to thank the rest of the teams for sticking it out with us and giving it their all. I hope everyone will return next season. Next season will begin Sept. 10th due to Labor Day. Have fun on the break and hope to see everyone back. I will have the new season up as soon as I can. Most likely by this weekend. Again, Congrats to all.