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1 -- Joining IGL Cross Fire
    1.1 -- Introduction
    1.2 -- Entrance Requirements
    1.3 -- How to Join

2 -- Player Rules
    2.1 -- Guncam Growler
    2.2 -- Sportsmanship
    2.3 -- Rosters
    2.4 -- Player Settings
    2.5 -- Required Team Size
    2.6 -- AWM Limit

3 -- Match Play
    3.1 -- Match Communication Feature
    3.2 -- In game communication
    3.3 -- Screenshots and Replays
        3.3.1 -- Screenshot #1
        3.3.2 -- Screenshot #2
        3.3.3 -- Replays
    3.4 -- Match length and times
    3.5 -- Substitution
    3.6 -- Pausing a Match
    3.7 -- Planting Bombs
    3.8 -- Bomb Defusing
    3.9 -- Server Hosting
    3.10 -- Map exploits
    3.11 -- forfeit specifications
    3.12 -- Half-Time
    3.13 -- Reporting a win
    3.14 -- Overtime
    3.15 -- Make-up match

4 -- Conduct Towards Admins
    4.1 -- IGL Cross Fire Administrators
    4.2 -- Admin Rights

5 -- Match Disputes

6 -- Clan Agreement

1 -- Joining IGL Cross Fire
       1.1 -- Introduction

The IGL Cross Fire League was created for only the most mature clans and players to come compete and have fun. It is a place that your fellow players and the administrators of this league participate for their own enjoyment, and we will not tolerate anything which takes that enjoyment away. Please demonstrate the same respect to the administrators as you would wish they demonstrate to you!

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       1.2 -- Entrance Requirements

The IGL Staff is constantly monitoring your clan's commitments to active and competitive gaming, and as such has established entrance minimums before a clan can participate in this league. The purpose of these minimums are to minimize the potential for forfeited matches; nothing is more discouraging than having practiced and scrimmaged for an upcoming match, only to find out that the opposing team hasn’t shown up.

The minimums are:

  • A clan NAME or TAG which doesn’t already exist in the IGL League. Note:Team and/or names including, but not limited to, the following content will not be permitted: profanity, bigotry, raciest, sex, or religious group; drug use and other names deemed inappropriate by the league.

  • You should also have one member idling the #igl-cf channel so you can get updated or current information at all times.

  • A minimum of five (5) members, all of whom are running the current version of Cross Fire.

  • Two contacts ( Leader and Scheduler ) who are available through email.

  • Furthermore, the IGL Admin Staff reserves the right to refuse any clan or individual admittance to IGL, based on prior conduct within IGL, or the Cross Fire Community as a whole. Not meeting these requirements will result in your Clan staying inactive until the requirements are fulfilled.

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           1.3 -- How to Join

    So you have decided to join IGL? In this section I will walk you through the simple process of joining IGL. First thing you want to do is register yourself. This goes for both Leaders and Clan mates. If you are the leader, then after you register you will want to click on create clan. After that is done go to the Staff Section in the left menu and send an e-mail to the Head Admin saying that your clan has joined the league and give the full clan name you used to create the clan. Now with that done you want to start getting your clan mates on the roster. This is also pretty easy. Just have your clan mates register and once they have done that go to the manage clan link, add a member, then type the Steam ID/IGN that the clan member registered with. Once that is done, inform them you invited them into clan and to check the notices located on the right and for them to accept your offer. That’s it. That person is now on your roster. Repeat till you have all your members on the roster. Then go in and change there status from "I" to "A" so they show up not only on the base roster, but the CF 5v5 roster as well. Good Luck and welcome to the Iron Glove League. Any questions feel free to contact the Head Admin or any of his staff.

    Special Note: The Official IGL Roster is the CF 5v5 roster. The base roster will not be used as to check eligibility of players. Only the members who are listed on the Official IGL Roster are eligible to play in matches. If the rosters are locked you will not be able to change their status until the rosters are unlocked.

    Welcome and Thank you for joining IGL's Cross Fire League.

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    2 -- Player Rules

    Each player must adhere to these rules or it will result in a suspension/ban from the league and will cause an overturn of the match.

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           2.1 -- Guncam Growler

    All players are required to run Growler during all matches, this is to prevent any form of cheating in matches. Players are still required to save replays as well. All players competing in the Iron Glove League must follow these directions on how to run and manage Growler: http://www.ironglove.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=1392#1392 in order to make uploads timely, we encourage players to save their growler recording at 1 fps, and save it using xvid format at 70% quality at 320x240 resolution, all of which are explained in the guide above. If disputed, the player must upload their growler to an admin via the IronGlove website or on mIRC/xfire; we will also be reviewing the replay of the match. Please save your growler recording for at least a week following your match. Anti cheat admins may request Growler replays from any player in the three days following your match.

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           2.2 -- Sportsmanship

    Every player in the league will display proper sportsmanship and professionalism before, after and during every match. There will be no profanity, harassment, derogation of one's religion, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, or gender, public cheating accusations, or other unsportsmanlike conduct tolerated. Any such act may result in the suspension of offending player(s) or clan.

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           2.3 -- Rosters

    Every player that plays in a match must be on the roster prior to the match. No ringers (substitute players) will be allowed to play in a match if they are not on the roster. No players will be on more than one roster per season. Play rosters will require the Players Name and Handle to be entered at least 24 hours before match scheduled time. Each player must play with the handle that is on the roster.

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           2.4 -- Player Settings

    There will be no customization of models, skins, weapons, sounds, heads up displays or point of views. There will be no client variables that give you an advantage. Changing weapons variables, texture, sounds, hit boxes, or lighting that gives you an unfair advantage over the other team will not be tolerated and WILL result in a Match overturned and suspension.

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           2.5 -- Required Team Size

    You must have 5 players per team to play start each half. If a player drops during the match that team may substitute with a roster player or play on with four members of the team until that player can get back in game or until half time. If your clan cannot supply 5 players at either half you will forfeit the match.

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           2.6 -- AWM Limit

    there will be a limit of two AWMs per team.

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    3 -- Match Play
           3.1 -- Match Communication Feature

    you must communicate with the other team using the match comm feature at least 24 hours before the match is played, however if you agree upon a different date and time than default, both teams MUST post in the match communications stating that they agree to the time and date to be played. you MUST post server information in match comms.

    if there is no time agreed upon, or one team does not respond to the match communications, the teams must play at default time: Monday 8pm est, the teams have until Wednesday of that week to play the match, if neither team communicates over the match communication feature, and a win is not reported by Wednesday of that week, then the match will be deleted and both teams will be subjected to being marked inactive

    If a team posted in match comms and the other team failed to reply the team leader or scheduler should contact an admin on IRC for the match to be removed. The team that failed to show will risk being removed from the season. The team that posted in the match comms will have the oppertunity to set up a "make-up match" for that week at the end of the season

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           3.2 -- In game communication

    You may use any form of in-game voice communication your team choices. Text communications should stay between the match/clan leaders. Once again, call communications before, after and during the match with the opposing team will be profession or your team and the offender will be held liable. The match will be overturned and the offender will be suspended.

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           3.3 -- Screenshots and Replays

    Each player is responsible for taking screen shots and saving replays during each round. Screen shots will need to be kept for the entire season and Replays for at least two weeks after that match. Failure to produce screen shots or replays will result in an immediate turnover in the match and possible suspension of the offending player. No excuses!

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                  3.3.1 -- Screenshot #1

    Each player will take a one screenshot as a Black List and one screenshot as a Global Risk while looking at the scoreboard (default Tab).

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                  3.3.2 -- Screenshot #2

    Each player will take a screenshot of the result scores after each half.

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                  3.3.3 -- Replays

    Save Replays during each half. Failing to do so may result in suspension and match being overturned if you are disputed.

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           3.4 -- Match length and times

    All matches will be twenty-two (22) rounds with (2) minutes and (30) seconds to complete the objective.
    (11 rounds as Black List and 11 rounds as Global Risk)
    If a team leaves the match before the 22 rounds are complete, that team looses the remaining rounds.

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           3.5 -- Substitution

    You may substitute any player at any time during a match as long as that player is on the roster the day of the match. The player must leave the match before the substitute player enters to avoid player advantages. The substituted player is required to take screenshots as well.

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           3.6 -- Pausing a Match

    Once it has started, you may not pause or stop a half for any reason. You may take 10 to 15 minutes between halves if, and only if, both teams agree.

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           3.7 -- Planting Bombs

    You may plant a bomb anywhere you can as long as the opposing team can defuse the bomb. You may use any means to plant the bomb. (Including boosting) You may cover the bomb with anything you want to as long as the opposing team can uncover the bomb. You may NOT use any exploits of any kind to plant the bomb where it is not possible for the opposing team to defuse.

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           3.8 -- Bomb Defusing

    You may defuse a bomb any way possible that does not include using an exploit to do so.

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           3.9 -- Server Hosting

    matches can be hosted in any server as long as both teams are aware of where it will be hosted and the correct password for the room and it is posted in the match communications feature.

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           3.10 -- Map exploits

    Using map exploits of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in team or member suspension. This includes throwing grenades through walls and double jumping or any sort of exploit jumps. Boosting is allowed.

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           3.11 -- forfeit specifications

    Each team is allotted an extra fifteen minutes after the time agreed upon to get all five players in game. Once the fifteen minutes is over and the other team does not have all five players in the server, The match is deleted and neither team is awarded a win. However you do not have to report a forfeit, you can wait for the other team to get their five in game as long as you seem fit,although the match needs to be played by Wednesday of that week, however a forfeit can be reported after fifteen minutes past the agreed upon time. ---------Rule update April 15th 2009--------- If a team does not show up to a match 3 times in a row, (in other words if a team takes 3 forfeit losses in a row due to no show) that team will be marked as inactive and removed from the season

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           3.12 -- Half-Time

    at the half time of the match while switching sides, a 15 minute break is allowed before resuming the second half of the match. If one team does not return at the 15 minute mark, the match can be started 4v5 or the team with 5 players in the room can choose to wait for the other team's 5th player.

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           3.13 -- Reporting a win

    wins must be reported immediately after the match is played, and can be reported through the IronGlove Website. If needed or if scores are disputed, screen shots can be sent to admins at #igl-cf@gamesurge.net

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           3.14 -- Overtime

    in the event of a tie, the match will go into overtime. Teams will play five rounds on each side as a tie breaker; this will be repeated until there is a clear winner.

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           3.15 -- Make-up match

    If you team has received a forfeit win during the season you will be given the chance to get points for the week that you received a forfeit win. a make-up match must be played between teams that have forfeit wins ONLY.
    Admins will post a thread in the forums towards the end of the season named "make-up macth requests" all teams that wish to gain points for the weeks they received forfeit wins may post in this thread requesting for another team with a forfeit win to play against them. once 2 teams have arranged a make-up match they most notify an admin that they are playing against each other and for what week each team is playing for.

    after the match the teams must submit the scores to the admin they notified about the match

    the team that wins the match shall be given the win points for the for the week in which they received a forfeit win. the team that loses shall receive the loose points for the week they were playing for.


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    4 -- Conduct Towards Admins

    We at IGL will not tolerate disrespect towards us. We run this league for everyone’s enjoyment with our free time. If we find public attacks towards us, that person will be punished.

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           4.1 -- IGL Cross Fire Administrators

    If any Administrator is in a Clan that plays in IGL, that Administrator will not be a part of any investigations involving their Clan. This policy will ensure an unbiased decision of these issues. (Example: Administrator's clan has a match problem. Another Administrator would deal with the problem, not the Administrator who is in the clan).

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           4.2 -- Admin Rights

    Admins have the right to use their judgment in such cases if a rule is not stated on the problem at hand. Just because it's not listed doesn't necessarily make it right.

    Any IGL admin has the right to request any clan member's replays/screenshots within 3 days of the match regardless if there is a dispute.

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    5 -- Match Disputes

    when submitting a dispute, one must archive the saved replay in either a RAR or ZIP format along with a text document explanation of which player you are disputing and why. Please be as specific as possible with disputes, exact rounds, plays, and specific information is appreciated. A simple replay with no explanation of why it was submitted will be most likely be discarded.

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    6 -- Clan Agreement

    By joining our league you submit that you will abide by our rules and everything posted therein.

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