3v3 Rules

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Joined: 05 Aug 2002
Posts: 45

PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 2:17 am    Post subject: 3v3 Rules Reply with quote

This is just a temporary spot for the rules and the day and times are not correct. This will be determined at a later date. Once the date and times are set these rules will be remove from here and placed in the main 3v3 League site. Only rule updates changes will be poster here.

1 -- Joining IGL Day of Defeat Source
1.1 -- Introduction
1.2 -- Entrance Requirements
1.3 -- How to Join

2 -- Client Settings
2.1 -- Default

3 -- Server Settings
3.1 -- Server Config

4 -- League Information
4.1 -- Entrance
4.2 -- Rankings
4.3 -- Schedule
4.4 -- Team Rosters
4.5 -- Waiting List
4.6 -- Outside Players
4.7 -- Clan Cash

5 -- Introduction
5.1 -- Purpose of the Iron Glove League
5.2 -- Definitions

6 -- Match Information
6.1 -- Matches
6.2 -- Match Format
6.3 -- IGL Maps
6.4 -- Match Protocol
6.4.1 -- Pre-Prematch (before start of Prematch)
6.4.2 – Pre-match (teams in the server, before the match starts)
6.4.3 -- Live Match (teams in the server, match is live)
6.4.4 -- Intermission (after round1)
6.4.5 -- Post Match (immediately following the match)
6.5 -- Rescheduling Matches
6.6 -- Forfeits
6.7 -- Spectators and HLTV
6.8 -- Referees
6.9 -- Ties

7 -- HL-DoD Source Servers
7.1 -- Acceptable Servers
7.2 -- Server Configuration
7.3 -- Server Crashes/Latency

8 -- League Violations
8.1 -- Cheating
8.1.1 -- Cheat Creators
8.2 -- Roster Violations
8.3 -- Unsportsmanlike Conduct
8.4 -- False Information
8.5 -- Disputes
8.5.1 -- Frivolous Disputes
8.5.2 -- Demos During Disputes
8.6 -- Rates
8.7 -- Tags and Names
8.8 -- Rules for Match Play

9 -- Conduct Towards Admins
9.1 -- IGL DoD Administrators
9.2 -- Admin Rights

10 -- Clan Agreement
10.1 -- Agreement
1 -- Joining IGL Day of Defeat Source
1.1 -- Introduction
The IGL Day of Defeat Source League was created for only the most mature clans and players to come, compete and have fun. It is a place that you’re fellow players and the administrators of this league participate for their own enjoyment, and we will not tolerate anything that takes that enjoyment away. Please demonstrate the same respect to the administrators as you would wish they demonstrate to you. Back to the top
1.2 -- Entrance Requirements
The IGL staff is constantly monitoring your clan's commitments to active and competitive gaming, and as such has established entrance minimums before a clan can participate in this league. The purpose of these minimums are to minimize the potential for forfeited matches; nothing is more discouraging than having practiced and scrimmaged for an upcoming match, only to find out that the opposing team hasn’t shown up. The minimums are: · A clan NAME or TAG which doesn’t already exist in the IGL League. Note: Team and/or names including, but not limited to, the following content will not be permitted: profanity, bigotry, raciest, sex, or religious group; drug use and other names deemed inappropriate by the league.· A valid and registered IRC channel on irc.gamesurge.net (i.e. the presence of ChanServ) with at least one member present at all times. You should also have one member idling the #igl-dod channel so you can get updated or current information at all times. · A minimum of three (3) members, all of whom are running the current STEAM version of DOD. · Two contacts ( Leader and Scheduler ) who are available through email. Furthermore, the IGL Admin Staff reserves the right to refuse any clan or individual admittance to IGL, based on prior conduct within IGL, or the Day of Defeat community as a whole. Back to the top

1.3 -- How to Join
So you have decided to join IGL? In this section I will walk you through the simple process of joining IGL. 1. First, you want to do is register yourself. This goes for both Leaders and Clan mates. Members have to register themselves, the leader cannot do this. 2. If you are the leader, then after you register you will want to click on create clan. 3. When putting in your clan info pick a scheduler and a alternate scheduler. 4. After that is done go to the staff section in the left menu and send an e-mail to the Head Admin saying that your clan has joined the league and give the full clan name you used to create the clan. 5. Now with that done you want to start getting your clan mates on the roster. This is also pretty easy. Just have your clan mates register and once they have done that go to the manage clan link, add a member, then type the SteamID (Numbers only, see example below) that the clan member registered with. 6. Once that is done that person is now on your roster. Repeat till you have all your members on the roster. 7. Then Click Manage Clan at the top of the site, then click View/edit/add player and change there status from "I" to "A" so they show up not only on the base roster, but the DoD 3v3 roster as well. To do this, put cursor on the letter "I" and click until it turns to an "A". 8. Only the Leader can change the status of their members. If you’re the leader change your letter to an "L" and for the scheduler click until it’s an "S". The team can only have one Leader and one Scheduler. Good Luck and welcome to the Iron Glove League. Any questions feel free to contact the Head Admin or any of his staff. Good Luck and welcome to the Iron Glove League. Any questions feel free to contact the Head Admin or any of his staff. Special Note: Entering Your SteamID - The SteamID process is simple really. Just log in and go to the MYINFO located above and enter your SteamID in this format.... 0:1:23456 ....DO NOT use " STEAM_ " in front of it. Note: Teams can ONLY use the Official IGL Roster, which is the DoD:S3v3 roster to play in matches. The Base roster cannot be used to check eligibility for match play. Anyone on the Base roster who has an I beside their name is ineligible and therefore not allowed to play in IGL matches. In order for these members to be eligible for match play, the leader must activate them by changing the I to an A before the rosters are locked or afterward they are unlocked. It’s the leaders responsibility to make sure the change has taken affect. Note: Be sure the submit button is clicked before leaving this window. Welcome and Thank you for joining one of DoD's oldest Leagues. Back to the top

2 -- Client Settings
2.1 -- Default
All players competing in IGL are required to use a default installation. Modifications like models, skins, sprites, sounds/packs and scripts are not permitted whatsoever. Crosshairs must be stock, or you may use the CAL Approved Custom DOD crosshairs only. Penalty: Player Suspension for two weeks. Back to the top

3 -- Server Settings
3.1 -- Server Config
IGL has a config that your server must be running while match is live. You can find the server config to be uploaded to your server in our file section as well as a small instruction list on how to operate it. NO other server config is allowed in IGL. Penalty: Clan Suspension for two weeks. Server settings must remain default and not be altered in any way. During matches, servers should be rcon managed. That is to say that plugins such as admin mod, amx, or other addons are not allowed and should be disabled during matches. If discovered. A team can receive disciplinary actions up to and including expulsion for the league. Back to the top

4 -- League Information
4.1 -- Entrance
On the upper bar, make a login, and then "create a clan." Then ask to be invited into the league. Unless a team is invited by a league administrator the team must prove that they have played in at least 3 DoD scrimmages or matches. The easiest way to prove this is to just mention any leagues you are in, or post screen shots on your website. Other requirements for entrance: A Day of Defeat Source server (see Server section), a web page (or a public message board), an IRC chat channel, and at least 3 members on roster. Back to the top

4.2 -- Rankings
Rankings are determined first by a team’s win/loss record. Ties are broken by Average Margin of Victory. Back to the top

4.3 -- Schedule
Each week every team has a match scheduled based on their ranking. Barring extenuating circumstances, teams will not meet one another more than once per season. If a team leaves the IGL there may be an odd number of clans available for play. In that case one team will be given a bye. A few weeks out of the year, the IGL may suspend matches due to major holiday, or if a new version of the Day of Defeat mod is released on game day. If you know your clan cannot play the next weeks match let an admin know by Midnight Saturday! Season runs as follows for each tier. 2 preseason matches, 8 weeks of match play, 2 weeks of Playoffs, and then the Championship Match Back to the top

4.4 -- Team Rosters
All teams are required to keep a list of their teams Player Names and STEAM_ID's on the IGL website. The roster may not be changed after 23:59 pm Saturday night until 7:00 am Monday morning. Teams may only play members on their IGL roster. If a ringer (someone not on that team’s roster) is caught playing for a team during a match, that team will receive a forfeiture if they win. It is suggested that teams go in the console and type "status" during a match, as this will show all players STEAM_IDs in the server. Each team's roster must remain separate; players from one team may not play for any other team in IGL play. Note: Teams can ONLY use the Official IGL Roster, which is the DoD3v3 roster to play in matches. The Base roster cannot be used to check eligibility for match play. Anyone on the Base roster who has an “I” by their name is ineligible and therefore not allowed to play in IGL matches. In order for these members to be eligible for match play, the leader must activate them by changing the “I” to an “A” before the rosters are locked or afterward they are unlocked. It’s the leaders responsibility to make sure the change has taken affect. Be sure your click the submit button before closing this window to ensure the change was made. Notice: During preseason only, the rosters will not be locked. Rosters are locked during regular season match from Saturday night at 11:59pm to Monday 7:00am.Back to the top

4.5 -- Waiting List
If a clan is accepted into the IGL League they will be put on the waiting list, unless there are an odd number of teams active in IGL. This is so there is no odd team out each week. Once a second team is accepted into the IGL or a team drops out of IGL the team on the waiting list will move up. A team requesting a rest will also be put on the waiting list. Teams may wait on the waiting list for up to 4 weeks before coming back. Back to the top

4.6 -- Outside Players
If someone wants to join your clan but is already in a clan however wants to play with you on Sundays you must first get approval from the Head IGL Admin. Tell the admin who it is and it will be discussed among the other admin’s and a decision will be made. More times than not, we will allow it. If you are caught with an outside player and have not received approval your match is forfeited. Do it again and your clan is removed. Back to the top

4.7 -- Clan Cash
Clan Cash is no longer used. It was used at one time to buy a replay of a match that you lost. Back to the top

5 -- Introduction
5.1 -- Purpose of the Iron Glove League
The Iron Glove League was set up for clans to battle other clans and keep a steady schedule of matches. All of the clans invited here are, in our opinion, close in skill and should pose some challenge to each of the other clans. The league is on going, with a final champion each season for each tier. No set of rules is ever complete, and in some instances IGL Administrators can make judgment calls for situations that are not exactly covered, or have some basis in their irregularity. The rules listed here in are the only valid rules established as a minimum guideline for consistent fair match play. #igl-dod is the primary IRC channel for IGL, it’s located on irc.gamesurge.net Back to the top

5.2 -- Definitions
mm1 - is the same as the "say" command, mm2 - is the same as the "say team" command, pm - is an abbreviation for rematch, a match - is two rounds, 40 minutes long, a round - is half a match, 20 minutes, played on one server, a ringer - is someone who plays for a team, while not being on their roster, team - is a single unit of players, they may be a clan, or part of a clan. suspension - is the equivalent to a scheduled match (A bye or holiday is not a match)suspected illegal script – is any movement, animation, switch of weapons from one to the other, quicker scoping or iron sights that are not intended as part of the original game. Back to the top

6 -- Match Information
6.1 -- Matches
All matches that are scheduled by IGL, will be played on Sunday nights @8:00 PM Eastern. All matches will be played using the current version of the Day of Defeat Source Half-Life mod and the IGL server cfg. Back to the top

6.2 -- Match Format
An IGL Dod Source Division Default Match will consist of: Two 15 minute rounds, where the winner is determined by the combined total points scored from each round of play; the teams will SWITCH sides, Ex: if clan A plays Axis the first round, they MUST play Allies in the second round. NO EXCEPTIONS. The default number of players for a match is 3 per team. If one team shows with less than 3 players they may play the match so long as they have at least 2. The other team is NOT required to field less than 3 players in this situation, but may voluntarily do so. Teams with less than 2 players available for a match are required to forfeit. There is a granted 10 minutes grace period in which the two teams, after the designated start time, MUST be in the server. If one team, after the 10 minutes, does not have all their players in, the opposing team may demand to start immediately. If the shortened team does not comply with this, then it will be an automatic forfeiture, and the opposing team will be granted the victory. Back to the top

6.3 -- IGL Maps
Each week a map will be posted on the IGL schedule. All teams must use this map in their match. On occasion IGL may play a custom map, that is, a map that you do not already have when you first downloaded Day of Defeat Source. In this case, at least 2 weeks notice will be given, and a link provided to download the map in the file section. Back to the top

6.4 -- Match Protocol
6.4.1 -- Pre-Prematch (before start of Prematch)
After the week’s matches have been scheduled, opposing Team's designated Scheduler should contact one another by email or IRC chat. Server IP's should be swapped and both teams should check the server conditions (see server rules). The home team should make known whether they wish to choose the server for round1 (and which server they choose), OR if they want to choose which side they want in round1 (and also make known which side they choose). The visiting team should then make known to the home clan their decision on the remaining choice (whichever the home team didn't decide). It will be the responsibility of the Scheduler and/or Captain/Leader to make contact with their opposing team no Later than 6pm EST Monday. If an attempt to contact has been made and you have not received a response before the required time, then the Scheduler and or Captain/Leader must contact their Tier Admin via IGL IRC Channel as soon as possible the day of the Match (Sunday) to notify them you are unable to make contact with your opponent. All Admins can receive pm messages and they will check them as soon as possible. The Admin will make a decision to either match them up with someone else, or give that team a FF Win. There should be no reason or excuse for not contacting your opponents by the Required deadline rather than waiting until 5 minutes before the match time. Do NOT assume the match is a forfeit UNTIL you have contacted an IGL Admin by 8pm EST and the admin has given you the ok to report the FF. A team representative(s) should join the other teams IRC Chan, or be in contact by some sort of IM, no later than half an hour before the match is scheduled to start. Team Representative(s) are also encouraged to join #igl-dod on irc.gamessurge.net if there are any last minutes questions or concerns they'd like to go over. Note: It will be allowed for any clan member of a clan to be contacted to exchange server information, ONLY if the Scheduler and or Captain/Leader are not available before the deadline. However Caution should be used. Once server information has been exchanged by both parties, it will be the responsibility of that clan member to see that the Scheduler and or Captain/Leader are given the information. If they fail to pass on the information, then the Scheduler and or Captain/Leader cannot say they were never contacted and risk receiving an FF Loss.Back to the top

6.4.2 – Pre-match (teams in the server, before the match starts)
Pre-match is the period in which both clans have joined, or are in the process of joining the match server. Members of the visiting team (in this case the team who does not operate the server used in the round being played) may enter (and must be allowed to enter) the server as early as 15 minutes prior to match time, to check ping times and server settings. By now the home team should have the igldods3.cfg loaded, so that the visiting team may check server settings. It is the visiting team’s responsibility to check server settings during pre-match. Teams may delay the start of the match up to 10 minutes, after the scheduled start time. MM1 (Global say) should not be used except by the Team Leaders in pre-match. Voice commands are also considered MM1 and should not be used. The home team hosts the match, the visiting team picks sides. Home team is always the team on the left of the schedule.Player STEAM_ID's, Clan Tags, Player names must also be checked during this time. If a STEAM_ID, Clan Tag, Player Name, does not match the IGL team roster, the other team must say so before the match starts. Once both teams "ready" up, you are accepting that team as is. The match will stand as is. NOTE: Only the Official Roster will be used to verify player eligibility, which is the DoDs3v3 roster. Using the Base Roster will not be used to verify player eligibility for match play. Anyone with an “I” besides their name is not eligible to play in matches. Note any player who delays the start of the match by refusing to change their name to the correct name as the IGL roster will be suspended. (See paragraph below for direction)**If there is a problem with the server/players/etc. LEAVE THE SERVER AND CONTACT AN ADMIN. DO NOT STAY AND PLAY IT OUT. IF YOU GO LIVE YOU HAVE 10 MINUTES LEEWAY TIME IF A PROBLEM ARISES TO LEAVE. IF YOU DO NOT LEAVE AND PLAY IT OUT YOU ACCEPT IT. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO SOMEONE CHEATING.** Back to the top

6.4.3 -- Live Match (teams in the server, match is live)
Once BOTH clans are ready to begin, OR 10 minutes have expired since the scheduled match start time, both teams will meet in the middle of the map and take screen shots of the opposing team. Screen Shots REQUIRED for each match: After all players are in the server and the team captain has called for screen shots (either Captain/Leader) There will be no shooting, killing, using grenades, or MM1. (Only the Captain/Leader can use MM1) during this period.· A models line-up SS of the opposing team and have your primary weapon out before the ready restart is enabled on both halves. · The end-of-round scoreboard, again for both halves. You can add this line to your config to have it done automatically, hud_takesshots "1" · The zoomed-in sniper scope, if playing as a sniper. · ALL WEAPONS WITH IRON SIGHTS REQUIRE AN ADDITIONAL SCREEN WITH IRON SITE ENGAGED. · The status screen, for both halves if you are the designated clan leader. · A smoke grenade must be set off, each side is responsible for their own smoke · Furthermore, the minimap and net_graph must be enabled for all screen shots, after which they may be disabled. Note: All screen shots and demos must be kept for 3 days, then can be deleted after that. The Home Team Leader must take a screen shot of the rcon status screen. If someone else has rcon access and Leader or Acting Captain does not, then that person must take the shot for them. Just, remember when a dispute is filed this screen shot must be with the other required Screen Shots. · The Rcon Status Screen. Note: Rcon Status Screen: This is the responsibility of the Team Leader/Captain to make sure they have done this. If teams switch servers then it becomes the Leader/Captain of that server responsibility to take the screen shot. The Rcon Status can be done by bringing down the console and type in rcon_ password (password goes here). To make sure the rcon password has been accepted, type rcon and it will show up below in the bottom window, and then type rcon status. Then hit your snapshot key to get a SS. Please try this before a match to make sure it's done correctly. Failing to do so will count as a missing SS and you will risk suffer the penalty. All the above SS will be included with the required demos in case of a dispute as evidence. If you have problems please notify an IGL admin in IRC Channel and we will be glad to help you get it working. The default key for snapshot is F5. Penalty: Player Suspension for two weeks. Once both teams have their screen shots done, the following command is placed in the console by the server operator " rcon exec igldods3.cfg" without the quotes. A team is NOT responsible to know who is in charge of the other team! This means, if a team is in their own server and asks the other team if they are ready and gets a positive response, then they may start the match! Team leaders are responsible for what members of their own team say, not their opponent! Once this command is given, both Team Leaders will type "ready" to start the match. A countdown of 15 seconds will be flashed on each players screen. During this time DEMOS must be started by every player in the match, to do this open the console and type "record round1" if it is round1 or "record round2" for round2. After the round is over type "stop" in the console to stop the demo, or exit half-life. Once the timer has started it CANNOT be stopped barring EXTENUATING circumstances. Once the timer is done counting down both sides will spawn, and the match is then LIVE. It may not be replayed due to a player drop or incorrect server settings. Remember to check the server settings during pre-match! During the match only team leaders may use mm1, and only for good reason. Excessive violation of this rule is grounds for forfeiture. The only exception being a player saying, gh or gg at the end of the round. If a player drops during the match, he may be replaced by another team member while the match is live. A team may never have more than 3 players in the match at a time. If a player "lags out" but is still seen in the server, the team must wait for him to timeout. If a team has more than 3 players in a match at once for more than 1 minute, it is grounds for forfeiture. Once the new players has entered and joined a team, it is the responsibility of that player to take the required Screen Shots.SCORING Matches will be scored as follows: Each cap is worth 40 points in addition to the points accumulated for holding strategic flags. example: Rounds Won 3(+72) = 3 x 40pts/cap + 72 = 192 points Rounds Won 0(+icon_cool.gif = 0 x 40pts/cap + 8 = 8 points Back to the top

6.4.4 -- Intermission (after round1)
If 2 servers are being used, 10 minutes are given after the end of round, to begin round 2. Once both clans are in the server chosen for round2, or 10 minutes have expired round2 begins. If only 1 server is to be used for the match, only up to 5 minutes are given for intermission. Players should remain in the server unless substitutions are required. Note: It is highly recommend that both rounds be played on one server to save time and proceed with the match. If both teams have all their players present they may wave the break time limit, if both Clans agree and begin 2nd round immediately. However if one team needs some time, even if its up to, but not beyond the time limit, the other them must allow them the time without harassment. Both teams may stay on the server that round 1 was played if both teams agree, however if the visiting team wishes, they can request the 2nd round to be played on their server and the visiting team is to give the Home team the IP address and password immediately to the Home team.Back to the top

6.4.5 -- Post Match (immediately following the match)
After the completion of both rounds, both team leaders should tally the scores by adding their team’s round1 and round2 score, and the other team’s round1 and round2 score. The winning team should then promptly report the score via the FORM ON THIS WEBSITE. The winning team who did not report scores by 9pm EST Monday will receive a FF Loss and the losing team will receive a FF Win only if the opposing team reports to their Tier Admin that the winning team has not reported the scores by the default time. The opposing team must do this at the time of the default time. EX: if the default time is 9pm est, then they must make IRC contact to tell Tier Admin score was not reported. If this is done on time, the opposing team will receive the FF win. If a team wishes to lodge a dispute on the results of the match they must contact the IGL Admin for there Tier or an IGL AC Admin. If no Admin is available on irc (#igl-dod on gamessurge.net) then the AC Admin should be emailed with details on the dispute. Disputes will be IGNORED if launched more than 24 hours after the end of the disputed match, barring a good reason for delay. (See Disputes for more details).Back to the top

6.5 -- Rescheduling Matches
Teams may reschedule a match by mutual agreement and also MUST notify your Tier IGL admin or Head Admin via IRC that this is happening, however the match may NOT be played after MONDAY. Matches not reported by midnight eastern time on MONDAY, will be deleted. Back to the top

6.6 -- Forfeits
Forfeitures occur if a team is unable or unwilling to complete a match. The forfeiting team receives a loss, the team scheduled to play the forfeiting team, receives a win. Technical Forfeitures are forfeitures caused by rule or policy infractions. The score will be reported as 75 to 0 for each round in favor of the winning team. PLEASE DO NOT PUT A CHECK MARK IN THE BOX AT THE BOTTOM THAT SAYS REPORT FF. Penalty: Teams receive a warning for their first forfeit, and a strike thereafter. 3 Strikes for the season you are out of IGL. In addition to the above, the following will be enforced: If a team receives two (2) consecutive Forfeit for any of the below infractions, they will receive 3 strikes and be put in the inactive list until the end of the ongoing season. Once a new season begins and this team wishes to rejoin they will be put under Administrative Probation during the entire season and if they receive one Forfeit during the new season, they will be removed permanently and will not be able to return.No Show -- If a clan does not give notice that they cannot play the weeks match by 6:00pm EST Monday, they will receive a forfeit loss for that weeks match, and the team scheduled to play them will be given a win Only if the Admins can not find another FF Win team, then they can report the FF at 8:30pm. If notice is given prior to this time that team will be excused, and the league will try to find an alternative team for their scheduled opponent to play. No shows sometimes occur because one, or both, teams have disbanded. In this case the team will be removed from the league. Minimum number of players -- If a team cannot get at least 2 of its players connected to the agreed server by 10 minutes past the scheduled match start time, the opposing team may force them to forfeit, or wait and allow them to get there 2nd or 3rd player on, or reschedule the match to MONDAY night at 8pm EST. If a team drops below 4 players during a round, they may continue play, but must have at least 4 players at the start of the subsequent round. If they don't have 4 at the start of the next round the other team will receive a forfeit win. Incomplete matches -- If a team "pulls out" during a match, meaning all of their players drop, the match is ended. If this occurs during the first round the match results in forfeiture. If it occurs during the second round the score should be reported as it is when the last player of the losing (the team that pulls out) leaves. Screen shots should be taken of the score when the last player of the losing team leaves, and a demo may be requested of the winning team. Server crashes -- (see server crashes) Title Matches -- In the unlikely event that both teams in a title-shot or title match forfeit, the match will be DRAW. If the match is not played by MONDAY at 8pm EST the match will be DELETED and no Champion of that Tier will be Crowned.Penalty: BOTH clans are done for the season. They may also be moved down a tier for the next season. If both teams in a match forfeit, and the match is not a title-shot or title match, the match will be Penalty: both clans Suspended for two weeks Technical forfeits -- Technical forfeits result from a rule or policy violation. This includes such things as cheating, roster violations, and unsportsmanlike conduct. Penalty: Player/clan Suspension for two weeks NOTE: In the event that 2 teams find out they will have a FF wins at the time of their matches or before, they must report to their Tier Admin via the IGL IRC Channel and the Tier Admin will match them together even if they have played each other before. Reminder, once the Tier Admin has set this up, this will be an Official Match not a scrim. Admins have other things to do without trying to set up scrims. This is a Match League not a Scrim League. However, if one team does not wish to play the FF team they are matched up with, they must say before the match becomes Official. Then both teams will report their respective FF wins.Back to the top

6.7 -- Spectators and HLTV
The default number of spectators for a match is 0. Teams MUST allow IGL admins to spectate during matches, if they so choose, this will not happen except in exceptional circumstances. HLTV is acceptable, so long as the HL-DoD server allows at least 14 players, and the HLTV server is made available, and known to both clans. The HLTV broadcast delay must be set to at least 60 seconds. If a HLTV demo is made by a clan, it MUST be made available to the other clan upon their leader's request. If a clan wants to run HLTV and all requirements above have been met, the other team CANNOT request that it be removed. HLTV Demos may be used as part of the evidence in a dispute.Back to the top

6.8 -- Referees
The IGL does not use referees for matches. Teams are expected to run the match themselves. If there are expected problems in a match then an administrator may be specifically requested to maintain the peace and make decisions, but this is in extreme situations only. Back to the top

6.9 -- Ties
There are no ties in the IGL. If, after 2 rounds, the score is tied (the axis and allies scores add up to be the same for each team) an Overtime period will be played. The match is NOT tied simply because one team won round1 and the other won round2. If tied after 2 rounds both teams will be given a chance to play axis and allies and a second time. Two additional rounds will be played on the home team’s choice of server. In the 1st overtime round, the teams will play the same side they did in the 1st regulation round. After the first overtime round, the teams switch sides, but STAY on the home team’s server. If the score is still tied after the first two OT rounds, the 3rd and 4th OT rounds are played in the same way, but move to the visiting team’s server. If the game is still tied after 4 OT rounds (each team playing axis and allies twice) BOTH teams receive a loss. Each Overtime round will be 10 minutes in length, and played on the same map as the regulation match, UNLESS there are instructions by the league for OT matches to be held on a different map for that week (this may result from a map with a chance that neither team scores). The default number of players for OT falls to FIVE, because it may be getting late and some team members may have to leave. Back to the top

7 -- HL-DoD Source Servers
All IGL teams are REQUIRED to have at least one DOD SOURCE server, and have rcon, or direct, access to it. The league does not have any server for use in matches; therefore if more than 1 team does not have a server available, there would be obvious problems. Contact your IGL Tier Admin if a problem like this occurs.Back to the top

7.1 -- Acceptable Servers
All servers must be in the continental United States only, not in Hawaii, Alaska, or Canada. Players may be from outside the US or Canada, but their team's server must be within the continental United States only. Only dedicated servers are acceptable, no listen servers. Servers on a T1 line or better are highly recommended, but high end DSL servers are acceptable. In the case that a match is scheduled between a team with a T1 server and one with a DSL server, BOTH rounds are to be played on the T1 Server. ALL SERVERS MUST HAVE LOGGING TURNED ON. NO CABLE SERVERS WILL BE ALLOWED.Back to the top

7.2 -- Server Configuration
Servers must have a player limit of at least 7 players, to allow for each team to have 3, plus an Admin or two to be in if needed. They must have the Iron Glove League Config loaded (found in file section) and the limits set correctly on server. REQUIRED: The IGL DOD SOURCE Config must be run for all IGL matches. If match is started with wrong config, it must be restarted immediately with the correct IGL config before the match can start. If it is not changed within 1 minute, the opposing team will leave the server and report it to an IGL admin immediately. Penalty: The clan running the server with the wrong cfg will be given a 2 week suspension and the opposing team will be awarded the forfeit win. Also if it’s been found that the Official IGL Config has been tampered with, the offending team will be suspend from IGL for the rest of the season.Back to the top

7.3 -- Server Crashes/Latency
If Average Team Latency is above 150 on a continental US server, your clan may NOT play in IGL. If there is a ping issue on both servers, both teams must play one half on one server and one half on the other server. However, if a neutral (another server other than the teams who are playing, a server) (one that pings are less than 100 for both teams) can be found then that server will be used. If that server cannot be found then both teams must play half and half. If a server crashes during pre-match the visiting team has the option of trying to play on that server a second time or moving both rounds to their server. If a server crashes during a match, a screen of the score should be taken. If at least 15 minutes of the round have expired the visiting team may decide to replay the round on their server, or keep the rounds score is as after 15 mins. If the server crashes before 15 minutes of the round have past, the round must be made up, on the visiting teams choice of server. If a server crash leaves both teams without a server, the match may be replayed on MONDAY by 8pm EST, or both teams will be given a loss. Back to the top
8 -- League Violations
IGL uses the three strike rule for league violations. If a team receives three strikes they are expelled from the league. Major violations may result in 2 or even 3 strikes given at once. If a team goes 10 weeks without receiving a strike one will be removed from their record. Back to the top

8.1 -- Cheating
IGL WILL NOT TOLERATE CHEATING. If a player has been found guilty of Cheating in another League, IGL will view the evidence and make a decision on the evidence and if the player was found to be cheating, they will be ban PERMANENTLY from IGL. If a player is proven to be cheating in a match, the offending clan will automatically forfeit the match, and receive one strike. The cheating player will be removed from the team’s roster. If it is a team leader that was cheating, the team will be permanently expelled from the league. IGL WILL NOT TOLERATE CHEATING. If a player has been found guilty of Cheating in another League, IGL will view the evidence and make a decision on the evidence and if the player was found to be cheating, they will be ban PERMANENTLY from IGL. If a player is proven to be cheating in a pub/scrim/pug the offending player will be banned. If the player is a team leader the team will be permanently expelled.All cheating related bans are permanent. Cheats include but are NOT limited to fullbright commands, gl_alphamin exploits, Map hacking (wall hacks, etc), Aimbots, speed hacks, or any other game play altering cheats, or no/anti-recoil scripts. Server config is misconfigured in favor of one team. Any mechanism by which information that is not normally available to the player is obtained. If you are suspected of having a illegal script or controller (keyboard or other wise) with macro you will be suspended and or ban. First offense, whole team one match suspension and match will be overturned, 2nd offense, whole team ban from the league. Even though we can not totally prove this, it can be seen in a demos. Any ILLEGAL SCRIPTS including but not limited to, Sniper Scoping scripts, Bazooka scripts, or Jump scripts will be considered a cheat. This is a form of cheating and it will not be tolerated.All players must play using either "-dxlevel 80", "-dxlevel 81", or "-dxlevel 90" . Use of "-dxlevel 70" is considered cheating and will result in a four (4) game suspension and match overturn. IGL has now made r_drawdetailprops 0 and mat_picmip illegal to use and is considered a cheat. If the r_drawdetailprops is set to any other setting than 1, and mat_picmip is set to higher than 2 which is default will be considered a cheat. Any player/s caught using any other settings that specified above will be suspended for 2 matches and match overturned and receive one strike. If the player/s are caught for the 2nd time, they will be suspended for the remaining of the season and match overturned and receive another strike. If player/s are caught for the 3rd time, the player/s will be ban from IGL. A violation of one or more of these rules will result in a forfeit loss given to the team in violation of the rule. Map bugs are NOT considered cheats EXCEPT a door or entry way can somehow be blocked, where the opposing team cannot simply kill an enemy to get through. As stated in the Match Protocol section of the rules, all players on both teams are required to record demos ( "record ademoname" in the console). These are used to prove a player cheats, or more that he doesn't cheat, during a match. If a team launches a dispute against another, some or all players are required to send in both demos with all screen shots to the league official. If these demos and screen shots are not available, the team without them may have to forfeit the disputed match. IGL is very much aware of the issues concerning recording demos. All players must make a conscientious effort to record usable demos. To this end, it is HIGHLY recommended that players record demos in 8-minute increments. If during the course of the match your game locks up while trying to stop and start a new demo, players may reconnect to the server and start a new demo. As long as a good faith effort is made to continue recording demos, no punitive action will be taken. All players who disregard this suggestion and decide to record the entire match without stopping and starting new demos risks corrupted demos and having the match overturned. Anti-cheat programs are allowed so long as they do not kick or ban a player from the server during a match. Also you may not kick, ban, or use any other admin, rcon commands on an opposing team member just because you think he cheats during a match. Also, don't accuse him during the match, notify an admin afterwards. Back to the top

8.1.1 -- Cheat Creators
Clans that have someone in it creating cheats and making them available for download and allowing it will be removed from the league. Due to it's availability from said clan member to the rest of the clan the entire clan will be removed. If clan member has been removed from clan but was allowed to stay for a long period of time and clan knew he was making them and putting them up for distribution the removal is still valid. If you are suspected of having an illegal script or controller (keyboard or other wise) with macro you will be suspended and or ban. First offense, whole team one match suspension and match will be overturned, 2nd offense, whole team ban from the league. Even though we can not totally prove this, it can be seen in a demos. Any ILLEGAL SCRIPTS including but not limited to, Sniper Scoping scripts, Bazooka scripts, or Jump scripts will be considered a cheat. This is a form of cheating and it will not be tolerated.Back to the top

8.2 -- Roster Violations
Player STEAM_ID's, Clan Tags, Player names must also be checked during this time. If a STEAM_ID, Clan Tag, Player Name, does not match the team roster, the other team must say so before the match starts. Once both teams "ready" up, you are accepting that team as is. The match will stand as is. After "ready" start, any team that is caught substituting a player in a match that is not on their IGL roster, will be forced to forfeit the match. It is recommended that teams check STEAM_ID's during pre-match by pulling down the console and typing "status". It is also required that the Hosting team Captain/Leader to take a SS of the Rcon Status Screen. If it is found that a player is using another clan member’s account, they will be considered as a ringer. The player who allowed the account to be used and the player who used the account if he is an IGL member will receive a three (3) match suspension, the Clan will receive a one (1) match suspension and clan leader will be suspended for remainder of the season.Back to the top

8.3 -- Unsportsmanlike Conduct
This term has a rather broad range, and is left up to the league officials to determine when it applies. Minor unsportsmanlike conduct will result in a warning, worse offenses may result in forfeiture of a match. The most common type of Unsportsmanlike conduct, is mm1 abuse during a match. Insults/Taunting or Spam during a match are distracting. The magnitude of mm1 offenses will determine punishment. MM1 (Global say) should not be used except by the Team Leader in pre-match. Voice commands are also considered MM1 and should not be used. Any derogatory, racial, harassing or taunting comments toward players or clans while in the match server will not be acceptable under any circumstances.This is more of a code of honor rule. Play fair, have fun, and be a good sport towards your opponents win or lose. Naturally we cannot control what is said in conversations between two people, but when you've entered that server, even though it's pre-game, you respect the rules, you respect your opponents, or you will not be apart of IGL for much longer. Back to the top

8.4 -- False Information
Purposely giving IGL league admins false information is grounds for removal from the league. This includes, but is not limited to, false match reports, false or "doctored" logs, and basically trying to pull anything over the IGL Admins eyes. Consequences may range anywhere from forfeitures, suspensions, or even expulsions. Back to the top

8.5 -- Disputes
If a team wishes to dispute a match they must contact an admin by IRC, or email. If no IGL admin is available on irc, then email the disputes admin, with your complaint. All disputes must be submitted within 24 hours of the end of the disputed match. Please follow the instructions below after notifying an Admin. Directions on How to File a Dispute in addition to the above: The leader of the Clan filing the dispute will go to the IGL Web Site and click the LIVE HELP on the left, then click on support ticket and provide the necessary information needed. Such as, what happen, about the time in the match it happen, who the offending player/s are, and any other information that is necessary for the AC Admins as an aid to help them in what to look for. Once you have done this, contact your Tier Admin via IRC Channel to let them know you have filed a dispute. The Head Admin will be notified and will look at the dispute filed and a tracking number will be assigned to this dispute so that the Leader of the Clan filing the dispute can keep tract of the dispute process. (Such as, where the dispute is, more information needed, possible time frame on a decision and the final decision). They will be notified by email with this tracking number and will be able to click on it, which will take them to the page to follow the dispute process. Note: If this email has not been received please notify the Head Admin of the DoD at once. The Offending Clan Leader and player/s will be notified by regular email by the Tier Admin of the decision of the dispute.Disputes must be kept in private, letting them out to the public may be grounds for a forfeiture or removal from IGL. Frivolous disputes or disputes with no basis will result in consequences towards the acclaimed team. Also Note: You may not request more than 1 demos per dispute, so be sure to pick wisely.Note: A new requirement: Before you file the dispute the leader must review a demo of a team member and give a tick number of where the infraction or cheat is, then report the dispute per above rule. If this is not included in the description of the dispute, the dispute will be thrown out. Back to the top

8.5.1 -- Frivolous Disputes
In order to stop teams from making frivolous disputes, Teams are now limited to 2 demo requests per season. If the team in question is caught cheating, the team that requested the demos will NOT lose one of their demo requests. Admins have other things to do then to sit around and watch demos, so do not make claims unless you're certain of your claim. Back to the top

8.5.2 -- Demos During Disputes
A team shall not be forced to give their player demos to another team to be viewed. Any team may voluntarily allow another team to view demos. During a dispute only IGL league admins will view demos, and will decide which demos (if any) need to be viewed. If a team disputes the actions of only certain members of the other team, then it is likely only those players’ demos will be asked for. *If a demo is corrupt, it may be counted as no demo at the discretion of an IGL Admin. If this is the first time it has happened, a 1 week suspension will be enforced. Repeat offenders will receive more severe penalties, ranging anywhere from 2 week suspensions, or expulsion from the IGL League. If a dispute has been filed, Admins will make a request for that player’s demos. That player will be responsible for supplying and uploading their demos and screenshots in zipped or rar form for both rounds. In extreme cases the admin may go after the server logs as well. Screenshots and demos should be made available immediately. Failure to present the requested evidence within 24 hours after the request has been made by the admin may result in suspensions, overturned matches, forfeits or other disciplinary actions. In extreme cases more time will be allowed, but will not exceed 48 hours, and is at admin discretion. Disputes must be kept in private, letting them out to the public may be grounds for a forfeiture or removal from IGL. Frivolous disputes or disputes with no basis will result in consequences towards the acclaimed team. Also Note: You may not request more than 2 demos per dispute, so be sure to pick wisely. Back to the top

8.6 -- Rates
The minimum client rates for IGL matches are as follows: rate 10000 cl_cmdrate 40 cl_updaterate 40 Penalty: Players found using lower than these will be suspended for a minimum of 2 weeks, and the match MAY be overturned. Back to the top

8.7 -- Tags and Names
You Must use your Tag that is Listed on your Teams IGL Page and Use the Handle you have signed up with. Team and/or names including, but not limited to, the following content will not be permitted: profanity, bigotry, raciest, sex, or religious group; drug use and other names deemed inappropriate by the league. You may not change your team name more than twice during a season. Penalty: Violation of this rule during match play will be a 2 week suspension from IGL. Back to the top

8.8 -- Rules for Match Play
Map Glitches: NO boosting to ledges or rooftops is allowed. Penalty: The Offending players will be suspended 2 weeks and match WILL be overturned. Ex: Boosting - the act of lifting or helping a player to a position in which they could not normally get to on their own, like a ledge or rooftop. Towering/Stacking: NO Towering/Stacking for a better line of site is allowed. (Vertically and Horizontally) is not allowed. Penalty: Offending player will be suspended 2 weeks and match MAY be over turned. Ex: Towering - the act of lifting a player only, in which they would have a better line of site to shoot the opposing team. Spawning: NO entering spawn area where you can see a player spawn and kill them before then can move. Penalty: The Offending players will be suspended 2 weeks and match WILL be overturned. Ex: NO PLAYER is allowed to enter the opposing teams spawn under any circumstances during match play. Spawn camping and/or nading IS LEGAL. Back to the top
9 -- Conduct Towards Admins
We at IGL will not tolerate disrespect towards us. We run this league for everyone’s enjoyment with our free time. If we find public attacks towards us, that person will be punished. Back to the top

9.1 -- IGL DoD Administrators
If any Administrator is in a Clan that plays in IGL, that Administrator will not be a part of any investigations involving their Clan. This policy will ensure an unbiased decision of these issues. (Example: Administrator's clan has a match problem. Another Administrator would deal with the problem, not the Administrator who is in the clan). Back to the top

9.2 -- Admin Rights
Admins have the right to use their judgment in such cases if a rule is not stated on the problem at hand. Just because it's not listed doesn't necessarily make it right. Any IGL admin has the right to request any clan member's demos/screenshots within 3 days of the match regardless if there is a dispute. Back to the top

10 -- Clan Agreement
10.1 -- Agreement
By joining our league you submit that you will abide by our rules and everything posted therein. Back to the top
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