I would appreciate the help Popsmear to make this more enjoyable for everbody. As I've stated before I don't own the game and had team leaders help me get it this far. If you would like to take the re ...
As soon as all teams have posted the score for the week's match, the matches will be scored by the head admin. Then you will see yourself advance or decline in the rankings.
That is because you had no login name. only a pw. I also fixed your steam id to 0:1:2253786. Your login is paw_paw . I hope you remember your pw. You will also need to join/setup a clan because you a ...
Go to our IRC channel #igl-dod and talk to buzzard or kava. I would suggest you get yourself, and your team signed up asap. You can still be added to play this season. But time is running out.
It is because he registered his steam id as STEAM_0:1:88161 and it should of been 0:1:88161 . You tried to add him I would guess the right way by using 0:1:88161 and it didn't work. I ...
it is because you are trying to add him by steam id which is correct. But he put his steam id as '1153 STEAM_0:1:1133878' and you are trying to add it the correct way 0:1:1133878. I will correct his s ...