IGL DoDS6vs6 Information
Champion: None
No schedules up for season 4 |
Roster/ID Status
Roster locking is disabled for DoDS6vs6
Source 6v6 Shutting Down
      Sorry all but due to the lack of interest Source 6v6 will be shut down. We gave a go but it didn't happen. Thanks to those who joined and helped to make it a go. Good luck to you all.
Week 3
      Schedules are up. We are not down to 6 teams, so if anyone knows a team needing a place to play, send them our way or the season once again could be canceled. I don't want to have to do that either. Your help is need guys. If it dies this time it will not be started again.
Week 2
      Schedules are up for Week 2. Just a reminder, please be sure your servers are running tic rate at 66. Any other settings will not be accepted and unplayable for IGL matches. Also, if you are running any mods, please be sure to either shut them down, pause them or execute the IGL config when the other team starts joining. Once the IGL config is executed it will pause all mods. If any of the above is not done, the visitors have the right to request the whole match to be played on their server. Good luck and have fun in Week 2.
Official Start Date
      Sorry, I was unable to start on the 22nd. I was waiting for more teams. Right now we have 8, so I will begin the season on the Oct 29th. It will be next Monday at 9pm est. I will be adding new maps and deleting others, plus updating some of the other maps to newer versions. I should have all of this done by this Thursday night. The first weeks map will be ready to go on Tues night when I do the schedule. This will be an up hill battle getting teams in so please bear with us while we try to get more in. I may have one team not playing and have been trying to make contact, if you do not get a response from them please let me know.
Remember we will have match com running to set up all the matches. Please read the rules there are step by step instructions on how to use it. If you have a questions on anything before the matches please get with me in our irc channel #igl-dod and I will be glad to help in any way I can. Good luck to all the teams and thank you for joining.
New IGL Config
      You will need to upload the new revised config before the 1st match of the new season. If your running the wrong one it could cost you a suspension. We are getting closer to a start but still need teams. If you know any please tell them to join soon. We have 5 active teams right now and need the other get to their rosters up. I will let you know soon on the Official Start Date.