IGL DoDS3vs3 Information
Champion: Storm Troopers
No schedules up for season 3 |
Roster/ID Status
Roster locking is disabled for DoDS3vs3
Teams So Far
      As of right now we have 6 teams committed to play, so we still need 6 more teams. If your interested please email me at buzzard@ironglove.com or contact me in our IRC Channel #igl-dod.
HaS - 2 Teams
$T - 2 Teams
FS - 1 Team
AoS - 1 Team
Brand New League for IGL
      IGL is starting up a Source 3v3 League and as soon as we get 12 teams committed to play, I will have this site up and running for teams to start adding their teams. If your interested please send me an email to buzzard@ironglove.com and let me know you will be committed to play and what nights you would like to play. So far the nights are Monday at 9:30 pm EST, Sunday 9:30 pm EST or Thursday at 8:00 pm ESt. We really would like to get this going. I will try to have some map names posted in the 3v3 forums of what to expect for the season. Come and join us in some fun and exicting matches.