IGL DoDS3vs3 Information
Champion: Storm Troopers
No schedules up for season 3 |
Roster/ID Status
Roster locking is disabled for DoDS3vs3
A new 3v3 Admin
      I have added a New Lower Tier Admin to the IGL staff and he will be handling all for that Tier. Lets all welcome Aim as the new 3v3 Lower Tier Admin. If you have any quesitons or problems please contact him. Aim Welcome to the IGL Staff.
Week 1 Schedule
      Here you go. The very first match of regular season in Source 3v3. Make your contacts email and IRC to set your matches up.
Also but sure to post all scores before Tues at 9pm EST or the matches could be deleted or FF lose for the winning team. Remember the Losers of a match notices scores not posted by the default time they have the right to contact an Admin to let them know, and if they do on time they will receive the win by FF. So if you want the win post the score as soon as possible.
Major Rule Changes
      Please look below for major changes to the rules. These rules will take affect immediately. Also, its possible I could have missed one, so it would be wise to review the rules again.
Preseason 2
      Well, it looks like everything went smoothly for preaseason 1, so let do the same for preseason 2 matches. Schedule is now up. Good luck to all.
PreSeason 1
      Ok here we go folks the season has been scheduled, so make your contacts as soon as possible. Due the getting this up late, start now to get ahold of your opponents. Any problems please let me know.
Also dont forget to upload the New Config to your server before match time Monday.