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IGL DoDS3vs3 Information
Champion: Storm Troopers

No schedules up for season 3

Roster/ID Status
Roster locking is disabled for DoDS3vs3
Server Reservation
Map List
Date Wk Map
- - - - -

Week 8

      This is the last of the regular season matches. The schdule is up so make your contacts. Remember failure to do the contacts could lead to suspensions for the Leaders.

Playoffs will begin Feb12th and I will have the playoff bracket up no later than Wed or Thursday of next week. I will try to post the maps in here that will be played.

Email Problems

      Just letting everyone know we have a little problem on the web site and I need your help to finish getting it fixed. For some reason and I guess for a while now and we just now found it, the emails on each person’s player page is not working correctly. I have had several emails returned undeliverable or this account does not exist. So what I need everyone on each team to do is follow the instructions below so that we can get this fixed. Your help is very important because these emails are used by me to send out to each player incase of questions about their accounts, and other matters. Also most important disputes and if its not working or you have the wrong email, then you will not receive a email for requested demos and may be subject to suspension and or expulsion from the league. So all leaders please have each member on your team to do the following. First, open a new browser to www.ironglove.com 2nd then log in. 3rd click on MY INFO at the top of the page and it will take you to your personal player page, 4th, delete the email address you have there and retype it. If it isn’t the correct one or is not a valid email then please put a Valid email. Finally, scroll to the bottom and click submit. This is the most important part, because if you fail to click submit then you will not correct the problem. You email may seem to be fine to you but, I assure you it’s not. I would appreciate everyone’s help on this so we can have the web working 100% again as before. Please get this done as quickly as possible. I thank you for you time and devotion to IGL.

Week 7

      Schedules are up for Week 7, please make your contacts.

We are needing teams to join, so if any of you know of a team, send them our way. Rosters will be locked as soon as the Week 8 matches are over and will remain locked for the duration of the playoffs. Time to get you rosters in order.

Week 6

      The schedule is up, so please make your contacts.

Pulled Castle_b5

      I have pulled Castle_b5 from the map rotation due the point counter isn't working correctly. I have replaced it with dod_bunky which is now in the files section as well as dod_bunker_warefare_v2. Please get these maps d/led as soon as you can. As always if there are any problems with any of the maps plese let me know ahead of time.

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