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IGL DoDS3vs3 Information
Champion: Storm Troopers

No schedules up for season 3

Roster/ID Status
Roster locking is disabled for DoDS3vs3
Server Reservation
Map List
Date Wk Map
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The New Season 2 Begins

      Sorry for the delay in getting the new season up and running, but we encountered a problem that keep us from getting it going. The schedules are up and good luck to all the team this season.

New Champions Crowned

      Congrats go out to Maddeerman Clan for winning the championship match against vYv. Would also like to say congrats to vYv and the rest of the clans who stuck it out the whole season with just a few teams. We appreciate your hard work and dedication to the league and hope you will return next season. As always, we are still striving to get more teams to enter and will continue to do so.

I will have the new season up by Thursday night with the new schedule and will be adding 2 new teams. I would like to add some more maps to this upcoming season so if you have one let me know and I'll take a look. You can contact me in our IRC Channel #igl-dod.

Memorial Day

      With Memorial Day being Mon. teams have a choice to play Mon. or play June 4th. Please let me know.

Championship Match

      Well, not a season at all even though we only had 6 teams at the end, but 2 of them came out victourious. The Championship match wiil be vYv vs Maddeermanclan. Good luck to both teams.

Playoff Round 2

      Ok here we go with the semi-finals of the playoffs. Good luck. Please make your contacts as soon as possible.

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