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IGL DoD6vs6 Information
Champion: Legion

No schedules up for season 20

Roster/ID Status
Rosters are unlocked.
Rosters will lock in:
2 days, 7 hours, 13 minutes
Server Reservation
Map List
Date Wk Map
- - - - -

Short Leave of Absense

      I will be gone from Sunday to next Weds. If you have any problems please contact Stinger, Bearkiller, Pornbeard, Jaz and only 45 if necessary. Stinger will be doing things as of the scoring of matches and getting the schedule up an running for next week as well as handling any disputes. Please help them by keeping low keyed and running smoothly. I shall return.

A word of Warning

      All players need to check your emails on a regular bases. An Admin pull can come within 3 days after a match has been played. Also, you may need to check your junk email for those who has one because it could be possible that an email could go there.

Player Suspended

      an from Dumbledores Army has been suspended for 2 matches for failing to upload requested ss's. He will be eligible for match play on May 14th.

Week 6

      Week 6 schedules are up, so please make your contacts as soon as possible. Also, please remember to send and email to the leader and scheduler as well as making IRC contact. If you send an email, please keep a copy of the email until a couple of days after the match. Sometimes this is needed to provide proof that an email was sent with server info and other information of the match.

Reminder: Playoffs are around the corner and the rosters will be locked as soon as Week 8 matches are over. So get your rosters in order. They will remain locked until after the Championship is played.

Week 5

      Ok Week 5 scheudels are up, so make your contacts as soon as possible. Also, remember, if you reschedule a match without notifying an admin of your tier and no score has been reported, the match will be deleted. It is clearly stated in the rules about this.

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