IGL DoD6vs6 Information
Champion: Legion
No schedules up for season 20 |
Roster/ID Status
Rosters are unlocked.
Rosters will lock in:
2 days, 10 hours, 41 minutes
Short Leave of Absense
      As I stated earlier, I will be taking a short leave of absense. Stinger and Jaz will be taking care of things while Im away. Not sure for how long should be over 3 days or so, but I will be in contact with 45. Just remember the required ss have to be uploaded to the site after the matches. Good luck to everyone in the playoffs and lets make this easy on them, please.
      The bracket and schedules are up, so make your contacts as soon as possible. Remember send and email to the Leader and Schduler and Make IRC contact before the match to solve any potential problems. It might be a good idea to keep a copy of the email until you are scheduled in the next rd. As always, Team with the higher seed is the HOME TEAM. Vistors may request 2nd rd to be played on their server as long as there are no ping issues as per the rules.
Again this season, I am requiring the Leaders of both teams to upload the Rcon Status, Endgame SS's of both rds. & Logs from the server the match was played on. If match is played on both servers, then I need each leader to do the Rcon Status. The Vistor's leader must upload the Status and Endgame SS of both rds if it was played on the Home team server. Failing to do so will result in suspensions. Please use the Submit Demos tab on the left and files must in a zipped format. If the file is over 40mb, then split each rd into seperate zipps. Also, please name the file as example (SupervsAoS). I do not need any other players ss's execpt the leaders of both teams, win or lose.
Week 8
      Well, this is the last match of the regular season and the schedules are up. Please make your contacts as soon as possible.
I had to delete 2 matches this week due to teams not submitting the scores. No one contacted me to let me know one way or the other. It doesn't bother me one bit to delete a match that people are either too lazy or just didnt care, or didn't play the match and rescheduled and didnt notify me about it. It is up to the leader to ensure the scores are posted.
Map and Config
      Diversion map and config are in the files sections for d/l. Please get it uploaded as soon as possible. If you find any problems with it, let us know as quickly as you can.
Week 7
      Schedule is up so make your contacts. Remember, and I have reminded all leaders via email and the news post to be sure to submit a ff win the correct way or be suspended. I have had to do suspend a leader this week, because it wasn't done the way the rules state. This is just as easy to submit scores as it is to do this. It is clearly stated in the rules section in BIG RED LETTERS at the top of the HOW TO SUBMIT SCORES. In fact it is the first sentence. So, the reason this isn't being done correctly, someone didnt read the rules or was to lazy to care and check. So you will pay the price for this. NO more will get by with not doing it correctly.