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IGL DoD6vs6 Information
Champion: Legion

No schedules up for season 20

Roster/ID Status
Rosters are unlocked.
Rosters will lock in:
4 days, 15 hours, 11 minutes
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Preseason Week 3

      The schedule is up. Any teams wanting to join IGl now have time to do so during preseason. We need at least a couple of more teams to join before we start the regular season. If you know of any teams that would like to play matches on Monday night get them to to sign up ASAP. GL and HF

Preseason Week 2

      The schedule is up.

Any teams wanting to join IGl now have time to do so during preseason.

GL and HF


      As my last duty of being IGL League Head Admin, the new season has started. This time around there will be 2 preseason matches to give time for new teams to join before we start the actual season. The rosters are now unlocked until after the 2nd regular season match (week 2). If you have any problems contact 45 in the IGL IRC Channel #igl-dod and he will help you through any problems. Its been fun ride and I have enjoyed it. So long cya around.

Championship Match Slated

      Congrats to all the teams who participated in the playoffs. There was a very close match between 6th Army and red legion. Only 2 points seperated the two with red legion coming out the winner. Good game guys. Final match of the season will be July 14th, with Red Legion being home team and Legion Away team. Good luck to both teams.

Playoff Round 2

      Schedules are up and Bracket is ready. Good luck to all.

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