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IGL DoD6vs6 Information
Champion: Legion

No schedules up for season 20

Roster/ID Status
Rosters are unlocked.
Rosters will lock in:
2 days, 9 hours, 12 minutes
Server Reservation
Map List
Date Wk Map
- - - - -

Labor Day Weekend

      There will be NO matches this Sunday, September 5th due to the Labor Day weekend holiday.

Have a safe and enjoyable holiday.

Mission Statement

      In light of recent rather public criticisms of the decisions made concerning the Clan Spec and their leader, I feel it necessary to... remind everyone what a few of the foundations of IGL are.

IGL has always been a place where fun and enjoyment was a top priority. One of the many ways people have been working against that belief is through the use of trash talk and insults etc etc etc.. We have in the past and will continue to expect all clans to always have the upmost respect for opponents. Because of this, IGL has not recieved the community participation that other leagues have.

I always believed that was a necessary sacrifice to be able to make sure that teams treated each other with respect and dignity. While it has cost us a few teams in the past and will continue to do so in the future, It is a sacrifice we make willingly.

I know a number of teams have participated in the center and lower sections of IGL for a long time now, mostly because of the fact that they know teams are expected to live up to a certain level of maturity. We greatly appreciate your support and hope you continue to participate in the weeks and months to come.

While that may have been a bit long winded, I felt it necessary after the various public displays of criticism that have come up recently. Win or lose, we are all here to have fun, lets continue to keep it that way.

Kicked and Banned

      Clan [Sp3c] is no longer in IGL, because of the actions of there Team Leader BuLLeT_FoDDeR, who is now banned from IGL. He seems to think he can do as he pleases and that the IGL Rules do not apply to him and his clan. Well they do, and you broke several in the last 24 hours. I have also informed other leagues of his actions. This kind of abuse from you will not be tolerated in this league or any other league. So good riddance to you.

"NEW" Clans out there seem to think IGL is a "nooby league" or they say, "IGL, never heard of it". Well to let you know. IGL is one of the oldest leagues out there right now. A lot of us old clans know this. I suggest you newer clans out there go to this link and read up about it.


It is the dedication of past and present admins, and clans that have made IGL one of the oldest and respected Leagues in dod. The newer clans that have formed in the last year have a different opinion. But that is because they think another league will bring cash to there pockets. If they only knew. But they are young and don't know better. This league is for clans to get together and have fun once a week competatively, all playing a game we all love. DoD. But we have rules in place for a reason. To keep the game play fair to everybody. If you don't want to play by the rules and have fun once a week, then IGL is not for your clan.

Sorry for being long winded, But I truely love IGL and the game, DoD.

[SKULL] < 45 >|IGL Head Admin

Week 7

      **NEW** IGL Rule changes that will be implemented starting this Sunday.

Rule 4.7 -- Clan Cash
Rule 7.2 -- Server Configuration **NEW** REQUIRED: as of 08/23/04
Rule 8.1 -- Cheating
Rule 8.5.1 -- Frivolous Disputes
Rule 8.5.2 -- Demos During Disputes
Rule 8.6 -- Rates
All Team Leaders will need to check there teams rate settings. We are going to start coming down hard on this.

Team leaders, make sure from now on that your team is taking demos and ss for both rounds of matches. Also I would suggest that the Team Leader take a console "status" pic in game from now on. We may ask for this once in awhile to settle a dispute, and make sure you check steam ID's before each match starts while you are doing this.

I would like to know how many clans can't match the Sunday of labor day weekend. Right now that Sunday is scheduled, but the schedule can be delayed one week, so post your comments in the forums. If I see no action on this subject I will assume it is ok to go forward with the scheduled match and that there will be no excuse for not playing the match.

Please get your matches setup early from now on. Do NOT wait till Sunday night to do it.

GL and HF on Sunday's match.

Week 6

      I would like to thank all the clans for getting your matches done in a timely fashion. I also would like to thank all the admins for putting in the extra time to get all disputes done so I could post the new schedule by Tuesday night.

We are working on how we are going to handle some of the questions that have been raised to me by you clans. Such as Fade-to-Black, Rates, Clan Cash, Map Glitches, Dispute requests, and etc. We have had meetings on this and have not come to a final decision yet that we can post in the forums or in the rule section. When we do I will let you know. We should have this done very shortly.

Also, the Playoff Bracket is done and ready to go. The admins have been having some fun with it I see. Pai, you got owned in upper. WOW. lol

GL and HF in this weeks matches.

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