IGL DoD6vs6 Information
Champion: Legion
No schedules up for season 20 |
Roster/ID Status
Rosters are unlocked.
Rosters will lock in:
3 days, 6 hours, 33 minutes
Playoffs Round 1
      The first round of playoffs are posted.
Make sure that during playoffs, that you follow the IGL rules on using the IGL config only, rates, tags and names, demos for both rounds with screen shots and etc.
Also, we will have the " playoff bracket " ready for your viewing.
Gl and HF to all the teams that made the playoffs.
NEW - Northbound.cfg
      All clans need to download the *NEW - 12/29/04* IGL-DoD Server/Map Config. I put the numbers in wrong for the flag caps in the old northbound.cfg.
Make sure all server admins get this done before Sunday's match.
GL and HF
Week 8
      Matches will resume this Sunday, Jan 2, 2004 on Northbound. Make sure you have the new server cfg in the file section loaded onto your server.
GL and HF
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from IGL
With Christmas and New Year's coming up, matches will NOT be played the next 2 weeks.
Matches will resume Sunday, Jan 2, 2004.
Happy Holidays!!
Week 7
      The schedule is up for Week 7.
The following player: >G4N-Retard, Steam ID: 0:0:3089687 is suspended from IGL for 2 weeks for using low rates.
Clans also need to play the teams you are assigned to play each week. Anymore clans not following the schedule that is posted each week will be suspended for 2 weeks from IGL, unless you have permission from an IGL admin to change it up.
With Christmas and New Year's coming up, matches will NOT be played after the Dec. 19, 2004 match because of the Christmas and New Year Holidays.
Matches will resume Sunday, Jan 2, 2004 on Northbound. Make sure you have the new server cfg in the file section loaded onto your server.
Happy Holidays
GL and HF