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IGL DoD6vs6 Information
Champion: Legion

No schedules up for season 20

Roster/ID Status
Rosters are locked.
Rosters will unlock in:
20 hours, 4 minutes
Server Reservation
Map List
Date Wk Map
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The Playoffs are Here

      Well, another season down and here comes the playoffs. Be watching the News for the Playoff bracket in the next couple of days. We will do our best to have it going as soon as possible. On behalf of IGL, I want to say congrats to those who made. The rosters will be lock as of now and will not be reopened until after the playoffs are over. Good Luck to everyone.

Week 8

      Ok guys and gals, the last match of the regular season is up. Get ahold of your opponents as soon as you can. If you dont have the map yet its in the Files Sections. Good luck and have fun.


      Ok, as everyone knows we did a Screen Shot pull on Monday March 27th match for all leaders or person in charge of that nights match in 1.3 to send in their SS's. All but two did not turn any in what so ever, so therefore, for failing to send in the ss's as requested by their Tier Admins the following Leaders are suspended for one match. They are ineligible for match play on April 3rd and can return to match play on April 10th.

Cidius of Fake Talent and GaNJaMaN-DoD- [CarCajou].

For those who did turn them in, please be reminded that you DID NOT have all the REQUIRED Sceen Shots (which includes Rcon Status and Status Screen Shot) but did at least turned in what you had, so I am not going to suspend any of those who did turn them in. However, in the future if you do not have the Rcon Status or the Status Screen Shot with the other required ss's you will also be suspended. There is detailed instructions on this rule so please read it and learn how to do it, because it could cost you time on the bench.

Match Screen Shots Part 2

      Even though I said nothing will be done if a ss was missing; that only goes for the ones who send them in. If you are one of those who have not sent any Screen Shots in, and don't plan to do so, beware, if they are not in at the time specified by your Tier Admins, those Leaders or person in charge of the match will be suspended. So please do as your Tier Admins have asked and get the Required Screen Shots in. You only have a few hours to comply.

Week 7

      Week 7 Schedule is up so please make your contact and do not wait until 5 minutes before match. Anyone not made contact by 6pm est Monday night will receive a FF.

Other New: As you know I pulled SS from all the leaders just to see who was following the rules. For those who have not yet sent theirs in beware you will face suspension if you do not. On the source side no complaints, however on the 1.3 side I still haven't received all the results yet, but the ones I have, some of you are not taking all requried SS. I didn't do anything this time so you can thank your lucky stars I was feeling generous, but no more. From this point on, if someone does not have requried ss they will be suspended, this includes the Leaders.

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