IGL DoD6vs6 Information
Champion: Legion
No schedules up for season 20 |
Roster/ID Status
Rosters are unlocked.
Rosters will lock in:
38 minutes
Map Change for Week 3
      Sorry for the late change in the maps but trying to stay in step with CAL and they way you all want, the map schedule is behind a week, so to catch up I have Changed the map to Donner. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause but it was necessary.
Tier Move
      This was the last week I could do some moving and I have decided to move i0 inner circle up to the Center Tier. They have spanked their oponents since they have joined and we feel you will be able to hold your own. Good Luck in the Center Tier.
FF Losses
      Due to 2 consecutive losses in the regular season, I had to place Trypantsoff and Fusiliers Mont-Royal in the inactive list. If they wish to return they will have to contact me in order to be re-instated to the active list. We never like to do this and will do anything that we can to keep from it but, it is hard to help when I receive no word from anyone when I try to make contact. There is still time for teams to join, but will not guarantee a spot in the playoffs at this time.
House Cleaning Continued
      Ok folks since we have cleaned up the data base, there were a lot of duplicate names and such and now that we have done the cleaning there should not be many player names that are the same. We need the following Clans and members to please go to MyInfo and make some changes to their names. This will ensure no problems in the future such as tags infront of players names,
-'s and |'s. This sometimes will cause problems with the data base and if you help us to finish the cleaning on the data base your help will be much appreciated. If you find that you are unable to make the changes, it may be because there is another name in the data base like yours. All you have to do is put one numeral at the end of your name (no space)and it should take it ok then. ONE MAIN PROBLEM is spaces before your steamid's. Try and make sure there are no spaces there.
i0 Ghost, Disciple, and Spartan please remove the tags and the -'s
carcajou enrike911, bob__bighead, X5-494, Mata Hari, Killer_Bean, GaNJaMaN, Draven, MADMAX, RED, Yusuke and Maverick please remove the tags and or **-DoD- on the roster part
ECK Brooklyn and AnThRaX please remove the tag on the roster part
I&S Death, Hellfish, Hogan, and Sneaky please remove the tag on the roster part
      Well folks we finally had to do some house cleaning of all the dead clans that were in the data base. We had to do this because it was causing some minor problems when new teams were joining, so to elimiate this problem we had to delete a lot of teams and players. We had over 31,000 players and about 3200 clans.
Since we have done this we would like for all the teams remaining in IGL to please check their rosters to ensure no one was deleted by mistake or accident. If you feel that your team was deleted and should not have, or a player was deleted off your roster, PLEASE contact us so that we may rectify the mistake as soon as possible. We hope this will keep the problems down that we have been having in the last few weeks.