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IGL DoD6vs6 Information
Champion: Legion

No schedules up for season 20

Roster/ID Status
Rosters are unlocked.
Rosters will lock in:
14 hours, 54 minutes
Server Reservation
Map List
Date Wk Map
- - - - -

Week 2

      Schedules for Week 2 are up. Please make your contact as soon as possible. Anyone that does not know how to report a FF win please read the rules for once and learn how. It's very simple and quick to do. Remember, before reporting any FF wins you must contact your Tier Admins.

Free Servers this Season!!!!!!

      Ok, folks, a new concept for IGL is now in affect. IGL in conjuncton GodLess Commie of War Crew is sponsoring servers for the new season. IGL now has a server that a clan in IGL can use for the night of matches if their server has gone down or if someone doesnt have a server. All you have to do is contact Godless or Buzzard to schedule the server for a particular time and date. This will only be used to play matches and will not be used for a clans personal use. This will be a first come first serve bases.

Now for even better news. GodlessCommie/IGL will also provide a free sponsered server for the winners of the Center and Lower Tiers to use for one season. Please see the our main page for more details
Go here

Week 1 Schedule is Up

      Ok, the holiday is over and its back to the grind stone and battle field. Good luck in the new season of regular season matches. Any problems or questions, please contact Godless Commie for Lower Tier and me for Center. Thx and have fun guys and gals

Dispute and Holiday

      Sorry for the delay of getting a decision on the dispute between WoRs and syn. We had some techicnal difficulties of AC admins getting demos d/led. Due to a missing demo from Throwdown and because this is his second time, he will receive a 2 match suspension and will be eligible for match play on Sept. 25th. hXc was found Clean.

All matches will be suspended for Sept. 4th due to Labor Day and will resume Sept. 11th. Have a great weekend and be safe.

Preseason Match 2

      Ok sorry for the delay in getting the schedule up, but we have dispute and its taking longer than usual to settle it. The dispute is still pending so I have went ahead and put up the schedule for next week. I don't normally do this so late but it happens and we will move on for now.

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