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{$T}Storm Troopers over
Match forfeited

Match Recap
Clan {$T}Storm Troopers
Final 0 0
Comments I am the captain of the stormtroopers, On Sunday we had a scheduled match vs the Rage clan. They failed to provide us with an ip, and the IRC channel they have listed is not their irc server. The match server of theirs I found, did not have any people in it at all well up to and past the match time. They did not show up to our server or our IRC channel, and in no way gave us any info. I do not know what happened, so I will let you guys sort it out. Please let me know what is going on. This is late, because I emailed and got no response so I posted it here. Sincerely, e{$T} StarTrooper, Captain IGL
Cash rewards/penalties -2000 750