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IGL CF5vs5 Information
Champion: None

No schedules up for season 0

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Roster locking is disabled for CF5vs5
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season clean up

      Over the next 2 days we will be cleaning up the season by removing clans that are inactive.

to do this we are going to be sending out emails to ALL THE CLAN LEADERS. Basically we want to know if you want to play in the season or if you don't.

you will have until saturday night (18th april) to reply to the emails and let us know if you are in or out. once this process has finished we will move every clan that we did not get a response from down to inactive until we recieve a message from the clan leader telling us that they wish to play.

If you are a clan leader and you do not recieve an email or you did not put the correct email address in your profile. visit IRC #igl-cf and leave me a message telling me you want to still play in the season and tell me your clan name.

if you have any other questions you can contact me via IRC #igl-cf or xfire: radienfire

or you could contact BlueKnightro via IRC #igl-cf or xfire Knightr0


IGL is NOT dead

      First of all I'd like to introduce myself.
My name is RadienFire, I am of this moment the new head admin for CF.

I have been watching what going on here for awhile now, and with the sudden drop of the old admins i have kindly offered to step in and keep this alive for you all

I have noticed alot of you have been complaining about forfeit wins with teams not showing ect

I have a plan to solve this problem and will be working with my fellow admins to fix this issue

I will be making a few posts in the forums shortly asking for your input on what you want to see happen

Don't give up on us yet
We're still here

Week 2 Schedules are out!

      I'd like to thank all that participated in this weeks matches! It was a great turnout. I personally feel that the forfeits have mainly been stopped, and we may only have one or two this week.

Additionally, I moved all the teams that didn't use MatchCOMM AND failed to play their match under 'Inactive' status. If you wish to be back on 'Active' status, merely find me in IRC via #IGL-CF, e-mail me, or xfire me and I'll move you back straightaway.

Also, I noticed that some teams wished to play their matches on Thursday, today, a day later than allowed. If this is the case, simply find me in IRC or xfire me and let me know as soon as possible, and we can work something out.

Lastly, you can still sign up for Season One! Just let me, tweak, or econ know, and we'll move your team as soon as possible!

Again, thanks for participating, and stay tuned for news~!

What to do if IGL goes down.

      If IGL does happen to go down at Fargo, as stated before, 45 should have the website up within 24-48 hours.

If that should happen, it is likely that matches may be postponed depending on what days the IGL Website is down.

Also, depending on what time the website goes down and if you made your clan or added members the day it goes down, then you may need to re-create your clan or add those members again. After that, contact me and I'll re-add your team to the active list.

If you have an questions, contact me via e-mail, IRC, or xfire.

Possible Site Down Time

      The IGL's Site is located in Fargo. For those who are not aware, the dikes in Fargo are in danger of being breached by flood waters.

If the dikes fail, the IGL's site will go down, however, our Site Admin and IGL Commissioner, 45, has taken a backup of the Servers with him as he moves his posessions (those he can move in his truck) to an office building which is above the flood levels. In this office, he can hook up the backup server and have us back up in 24-48 hours.

I wish to thank 45 for keeping the IGL in mind, even when he is in danger of loosing most of his posessions. It is dedication like this that has kept the IGL alive for so long.

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